Shielded EMC test chamber

Electrical and electrotechnical equipment is a source of electromagnetic fields that can adversely affect the operation of other equipment and the proper transmission of signals. Company Canor offers pre-certification tests of equipment emissions and their resistance to electromagnetic influences in a shielded EMC chamber, namely:

EMI (electromagnetic interference) tests

Shielded EMC test chamber

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is an important factor influencing the operation of electrical and electronic equipment. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a case where a high-frequency electrical signal overlaps with an electrical signal. Such unwanted high-frequency electrical signals are electromagnetic interference. These signals may be transmitted through cables or may be transmitted by air propagation and may interfere with various control circuits or other electronic circuits and adversely affect their operation.

ESD testing of products - electrostatic discharge

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by contact, an electrical short, or a dielectric failure. Accumulation of static electricity can be caused by triple charging or electrostatic induction. ESD occurs when various charged objects are brought close together or when the dielectric between them collapses, often creating a visible spark.

This electrostatic transmission can be caused by contact, dielectric failure or electrical short circuit.

Electrostatic discharge testing, also known as ESD testing, is a basic test of many products.

Basic parameters of the Canor shielded EMC chamber:

Shielded EMC test chamber - lock

  • measuring distance from the tested device 3m,
  • measurement frequency from 26 MHz to 3 GHz,
  • maximum weight of the tested device 100 kg,
  • the measuring device can be placed on a table or on the floor.

Contact us for the conditions of renting the chamber.

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